Monday, December 29, 2008

Whirling Dervish in Cali

By the way if in your wonderings you ever wanted to find out who would win the battle between a maniacal one pound African Grey parrot who would readily and easily pierce any unguarded appendage within reach or a 14 pound white whirling dervish Jack Russell Terrier. Here is your answer. While staying at the parents house, with our two dogs, Lucy decided that Tango the parrot, would be a tasty little morsel and attempted to pull a full grown parrot through a 1" grated cage. Not good, lots of screaming, both me and the parrot, colorful language, both me and the parrot. The parrot somehow survived, to swear another day. Damage done = $300.00 vet bill, a traumatized Tango who looks like he is playing up a false disability claim, two Jack Russells that are having to figure out how to survive outside, and a parrot with at least 4 new cuss words in his ever expanding vocabulary.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In San Clemente

Bay and I are here! We finally finished the house and we drove to Cali. My dad came and helped me in Utah our last week (Because we had some work to do to prepare the home for renters.) My poor dad drove to Cali in my car with Bailey and our 2 dogs. I drove in Jessica's (my sister) car with her twin baby girlsus drive home to Cali. He didn't relish the drive with our 2 "girl" dogs and 4 girls two of which are 7 months old. We had to sop every two hours to walk the dogs, feed and change the babies and then the adult girls had to use the restroom. Overall the stops took us an extra 2 hours to get here. Dad was so patient and didn't get frustrated at any of us. what a good dad!!!!!! We love you!