"You are a Pearl of Great Price"

If you can believe it...the time is upon us...for Bailey to be 12...and be in Young Women's!!!!!!

February 3 we put on an amazing New Beginnings Program with the San Clemente 2nd ward to welcome our incoming Beehives for the year. The theme was "You are a Pearl of Great Price." We had an amazing speaker, Julie Dyer, who spoke on this topic. She was one of those speakers that has the ability to make you die laughing, and then a few minutes later have you crying because the spirit is so strong. She was a little "irreverant" so I loved her!!!!! Not your typical returned missionary, seminary teaching, mormon mom. But "she get's it" and she helped the girls to begin "getting it" too!!! Bay reached for my hand during the speaker, and I can't tell you how many moms commented after the program. They said their daughters would NEVER do that in public. I am so grateful Bailey is so full of life and love and not afraid to show it. The speaker also focused on turning to the Lord in your trials and not

the world. Bay shared she had felt the spirit strong that night and knew The Lord would always be there for her. I can't thank my Heavenly Father enough for so many wonderful people that are a part of my life and my girls life. What an example this Julie Dyer was. The girls recieved a very unique gift at the end. It was an "actual oyster" that the girls had to pry open with a special plastic knife. Inside the oyster was a pearl. Each pearl was individualized, some more pink, some more white, some even black. They were all so beautiful. Then they had a beautiful silver chain and special charm that held the pearl. It was to remind them that they are each "a Pearl of Great Price". I love being the 2nd counselor in the YW's program - I love my beehives and feel like I am finally "home" in my calling. And most of all I am glad Bailey doesn't care that I am one of her leaders...She is 12 in a few more weeks!!!!!!!My baby is growing up : (